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Here are four tips we found in marking your EDM assignments:

1)   The bass ALWAYS and FOREVER will play the NAME of the chord you are playing on beat 1.   If you are playing Eb minor, the bass plays Eb, if you are playing Gb minor, the bass plays Eb… if you don’t believe us, ask Mr. Butash, he is a professional bass player with the Toronto Band THE SAINT ROYALS.  If you know what you are doing you can use inversions, then the rule is similar to number 2 with melodies.

2)  Your melody will play notes the BELONG to the chords you are playing.  If you are playing Eb minor, your melody will play notes in that chord at that time.  Passing tones can be used if you really know what you are doing.

3)  If you are composing in AB or ABA form, B always should be different from A, never an exact repeat of A.  Make a change in your music in the middle.

4)  Pay attention to when instruments come in.  Ask a dancer, humans like 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8!

 Mr. P and Ms. L

Grade 10: Musical Improvement

Part of your mark in this course is for Musical Improvement.  This is about how you have developed as a musician during the course so far.

Please login to your TDSB account to access the survey.  If you are logged in to chrome under a different profile, logout first or use an incognito tab.

Grade 10 Musical Improvement Survey

Music For Social Justice

Check out THIS PRODUCER and the work he is doing.

Welcome Back!

Remember to bring a USB key and good pair of headphones to EVERY CLASS!

The computers will be reimaged in the next couple weeks so back up your work EVERY class as at some point, ALL files will be deleted on the computers.

Grade 11: Dealing with Animation

Step 1: Export Movie to Quicktime
  1. In Flash, go to File --> Export.
  2. Select Quicktime and export to Desktop.
  3. Open the Quicktime file on your desktop and you will see it open and say "converting".
  4. Once it has finished converting, go to File --> Save and save the converted version.
  5. Import this video into Logic to create your music.  You may see shadows or glitches in the video, but DON'T worry - this is not the video you will give us.

Step 2: Export Music From Logic
  1. Once you are finished with your music/SFXs go to Edit --> Select All
  2. With everything selected go to File --> Bounce --> Project or Section
  3. Change the file format to "Wave" (leave everything else).
  4. Click OK.
Step 3: Import Music into Flash
  1. Open your flash file and create a new layer titled "Music"
  2. With the track selected, drag your music onto the STAGE. You will know if this is successful if you see waves in the layer.
Step 4: Change Audio Settings in Flash to Full Quality
  1. In the Library Pane, locate the audio file and right-click (or control+click) on it.
  2. Select "Properties".
  3. Where it says "Compression" change it from Default to RAW.
  4. Additional settings will pop up.  Unclick "covert stereo to mono" and change "sample rate" to 44kHz.
Step 5: Change Audio to "Stream"
  1. Click on the first frame in your music layer.
  2. Change from your Library tab to the Properties tab.
  3. Where it says "SYNC" change it to Stream.

Step 6: Change Publishing Settings
  1. Go to File --> Publish Settings
  2. Click on the FLASH tab.
  3. Where it says "Audio stream" click the set button and select the same settings you did in step 4 (Raw, unclick mono, 44kHz).
  4. Click OK.

Step 7: Setting the audio to stop at the end of the animation:
  1. Add a new layer to your Animation - call it "actions"
  2. In the Actions layer, right-click on the very last frame and select "insert key frame".
  3. Go to the Window menu and select "Actions"
  4. type the following:   stop();
  5. Close the action window.
Step 8: EXPORT!
  1. You are now finally read to export your file!  Go to File --> Export.
  2. This time choose ".SWF" file. 
  3. Open the .SWF file and watch to make sure everything lines up.
Step 9: What to Submit
  1. In a folder, submit the .fla file, .swf file and logic file.

FREE Sound Effects

To get sounds effects for your any of your current projects, open Google Chrome and go to www.freesound.org.  Type agincourtmusic in the name field and agincourt as a password and you can download as many free sounds as you like!

Grade 11: Sound Design

Check out these two videos about sound design in the movie Wall-E.  Sound designers are the ones who create the SFX for visuals such as movies, tv shows, etc.

Part One:

Part Two:

A Brief History of ANIMATION

Check out this students project about animation!

Grade 11 Summative Information

Grade 11 SUMMATIVE 30%(5% for written)

(Finish your current Slideshow with the Final Reflection by the beginning of class Wednesday, May 4, 2016)

My Name Animation 20% (5% Written)

Animation of your name with music and sound effects
Marks will be given for cartoon "style"
Mark will be given for punctuating the visual with sounds and music
The FINAL due date of this movie is FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 3:00pm

Midi Exam 10%

There will TWO teaching/planning periods before the exam days. May 16 and May 18
You will have three full work periods: May 20, May 25 and May 27 (Submission date)

Complete a musical map for planning in the introduction period and submit that also.

•Choose one of the 3 movies provided (30 secs) and create an appropriate musical score for the film.
•Your movie will require only musical accompaniment, no sound effects are required unless you wish to use them.
•You may use as many sound effects as you wish from the SFX folder.
Logic MUST be used, Reason use is optional. 
•You must use a Mastering setting, Panning and some Automation in your music.  Remember to Master both in REASON and LOGIC if you use both,

•Submit your exported movie and any Logic and/or Reason files.

Grade 12 Summative Information

Grade 12 SUMMATIVE 30%(5% for written)

Mashup 10%

(Mashup Proposal Sheet, Mashup .AIF or .WAV file and your Logic file, Mashup Final Reflection)

Try to have your Mashup completed and be starting your Double Slideshows by the beginning of class, Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

Double Slideshow 10%

(Two Movie files labeled TOPIC GOOD/BAD, and Contrasting Slideshow Final Reflection)
Both the Mashup and Slideshows are due with all associated paperwork by FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 3:00pm

Midi Exam 10%

There will TWO teaching/planning periods before the exam days. May 16 and May 18
You will have three full work periods: May 20, May 25 and May 27 (Submission date)

•Choose one of the 3 movies provided (30 secs) and create an appropriate sound score for the film.
•You must use 2 of the 5 SAMPLES provided on a sampler in REASON, and at least one sample used in Reason must be used as a melodic instrument.
•You may use as many sound effects as you wish from the SFX folder.
•You must use "Rewire" ( Reason and Logic play and export together)
•You must use a Mastering setting, Panning and some Automation in your music.  Remember to Master both in REASON and LOGIC.

•Submit  your movie and all associated files, INCLUDING any Samples you mapped in REASON.

Grade 10: Musical Improvement, Term 3

Please go to the following link to fill in your musical improvement reflection.  Note that if you do this outside the TDSB, you will need to log into google using your TDSB email account (firstname.lastname@student.tdsb.on.ca) and password.

Grade 10 Musical Improvement Term 3

Advanced Songwriter Checklist

Before submitting your assignment, make sure to check over the following:

·       All the pre-made melody notes/rhythms are correct?
·       Does your second melody compliment your first?
·       Has your melody been quantized?
·       Is your melody in a range that makes it audible above the chords?

·       Both the left and right hand of the chords have been recorded?
·       The chords are in the correct order (Am-F-C-G)?
·       You  have used inversions in the Pre-made or CYO section (or both!)
·       You  have used arpeggios/broken chords  in the Pre-made or CYO section (or both!)
·       Your chords are in an appropriate range (not too high!)

Drum Beat
·       The bass and snare drums are complimenting each other in a repeated pattern?
·       The bass drum is played on beat one and the snare drum is NOT on beat one?
·       The high-hat, ride cymbal, or shaker are playing a consistent repeated pattern (i.e. eighth notes)
·       The drums have been quantized to 1/8, 1/16 or 1/8 triplets

Mixing, Panning, Automation
·       All tracks have been appropriately panned slightly L or R ?
·       The bass drum and bass line are panned to the centre?
·       The solo buttons are all turned off?
·       There are no muted tracks?
·       All tracks are mixed so that they can be heard (i.e. no barely audible tracks!)
·       The melody can be clearly heard.
·       The majority of tracks are mixed to the “yellow” on the volume meters
·       The master volume has been set to the “yellow” on the volume meter.
·       You have chosen an appropriate master effect for the master track?
·       All automation has been done purposefully to create an effect?
·       The metronome has been turned off!

·       All instruments chosen compliment each other
·       You have made musical decisions about the instruments you have chosen (i.e. they are not all still on piano)
·       Your drum kit matches the style of music you are trying to achieve.
·       If necessary, the chords or melody have been transposed +/- 12 to avoid clashing sound and to make it easier to hear the melody.

·       Your song has a minimum of 25 bars (may have more if you added an interlude)
·       Your song ends with a Am chord and the melody also playing an A.
·       You have made an interesting arrangement (not everything playing all the time!)
·       Your intro/outro make an inverted triangle (staggered entries).

10 Midi - Intro to Advanced Songwriter

How to begin your Advanced Songwriter Assignment:

1.     Open GarageBand à single click on  “Empty” project.
2.     In the bottom right-hand corner, click on the word DETAILS.
3.     Change the following in the settings:
a.    Key Signature – A minor
b.    Time signature – 3/4 Time
4.     Select “Choose” to open the file.
5.     Set up your arrangement track to match the picture below.  If you want, you may also add a 4-bar "interlude" between "Pre-made" and "CYO" (stands for Choose Your Own) sections.
6.     Open the Advanced Songwriter assignment page. Read through the "New Concepts" section. I will be teaching you about inversions  and arpeggios next class, so skip over them for now.
7.    Record the pre-made melody as written.  Put it in the "Pre-Made" section (see picture below).
8.    If there is still time, go to onlinedrummer.com and begin researching 3/4 time drum beats.