Midi Calendar


Blog Archive

Grade 10: Song Structure and Arranging

Hold Back the River by James Bay

One of the greatest Mashup artists!

Check it out at


4-Chord Song by the Axis of Awesome

Here is the Australian comedy trio, The Axis of Awesome, playing a medley of songs all with the same chord progression as the Beginner Songwriter assignment.

Musical Improvement Forms: November

Each term you will be asked to complete a Musical Improvement form.  This is a self-reflection on both your abilities and work habits in class.

Grade 10 Musical Improvement Link

Grade 11 Musical Improvement Link

Grade 12 Musical Improvement Link

Grade 10: Mixing Basics

Grade 10 midi students, please use the following information to help you mix your assignments appropriately this year.

Mixing  Explained #1 (video)

Mixing, Panning, Mastering and Automation (handout)

10 Midi: Round Assignment

Use the following videos as inspiration for choosing your instruments and genre for your Musical Round assignment.

Final Musical Improvement Mark: Grade 10

Grade 10 Midi students.  Complete this online form for your FINAL Musical Improvement Mark.  You need to be logged into your TDSB account to complete it:

Grade 10 Musical Improvement (June)

Final Musical Improvement Mark: Grade 12

Grade 12 Midi students.  Complete this online form for your FINAL Musical Improvement Mark.  You need to be logged into your TDSB account to complete it:

Grade 12 Musical Improvement

Final Musical Improvement Mark: Grade 11

Grade 11 Midi students.  Please complete this reflection form for your FINAL 10% Musical Improvement mark.  You need to be logged into your TDSB account to complete it.

Grade 11 Musical Improvement

What to hand in for your Grade 12 SUMMATIVE

In a folder with your name on it,

Put the following files:

• any original mp3 files you used in Virtual DJ to create your clips
• your "Logic" file containing your most recent Mashup and a "Reason" file if required
• a full quality .AIF or .WAV file export of your Mashup that you have listened to
• any other clips and files you feel I should have to mark your work
• your final Mashup reflection

What to hand in for your Grade 11 SUMMATIVE

For your Animation Summative, submit the following:

In a folder with your name on it, put your

• .fla file
• .swf file
• "Logic" and /or "Reason" file
• You may also submit any additional files you feel are important, like sound effects, and your Quicktime movie.
• your Final Animation Reflection

Sound Effects for Performance Tasks

To get sounds effects for your any of your current performance task, open Google Chrome and go to www.freesound.org.  Click on LOGIN and type -

Username: agincourtmusic
PW: agincourt

April: Musical Improvement

Grade 10 Midi Class:

Click on the link and fill in the Google form. Note: you must be logged in with you TDSB google account for the form to work.

Grade 10 : April Musical Improvement

Grade 11 Midi Class:

Click on the link and fill in the Google form. Note: you must be logged in with you TDSB google account for the form to work.
Grade 11: April Musical Improvement

Grade 10 Midi Students: Musical Improvement

Please fill out this Musical Improvement survey to reflect on your abilities in MIDI and how they have improved since the last report card.

Grade 10 Musical Improvement January

 Note: If you do this from home you will have to login to your TDSB account to access the form.

Grade 11 Midi Students:

Top 10 suggestions from Reason 3 and Reason 4

1. Fill in the complete box on reflections and marking guides, state the WHAT and the WHY.
2. Don't put much or any Echo (Delay) and Reverb on drum tracks as it puts them out of time.
3. Delay and Echo are usually used in tandem with each other.
4. Don't click the LOOP button if you already have a good ending.
5. Write endings for your pieces, they are more musical than infinite loops.
6. Don't set your Master output too high, but also don't set it too low.  Pay attention to the colour of the level (in the yellow) and listen on the Midi lab speakers or good over ear headphones.
7. Know the difference between adding a MASTERING effect and adding an individual effect to an instrument, both have difference purposes.
8. The overall learning of Reason 4 is that mixing and mastering ALWAYS includes automation and the use of effects, especially Reverb and Echo.
9. You may not know if your music sounds right.  Play it for a supportive friend, play it for the teachers before submitting.  Stick to the tried and true song structures and forms you learned in Grade 10.
10. Read the instructions carefully, missed steps are lost marks.