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10 Midi: So you think you're done the Songwriter Assignment?

Here is a checklist to go through when you say you are "done".

Have you checked that...

·       All the pre-made melody notes/rhythms are correct?
·       The make your own melody only has the notes C, D, E, G, A in it?
·       The melody has been quantized to 1/8 or 1/16?

·       The bass line has been quantized to 1/8?
·       The bass is played on a BASS instrument
·       The bass line notes have been read in the bass clef
·       The bass is only playing ONE NOTE at a time
·       The bass is playing notes in the chord above it (i.e. if the C chord is playing, then the bass is only playing C or G)?

·       Both the left and right hand of the chords have been recorded?
·       The chords are in the correct order (C-G-Am-F)?
·       The chords line up in the correctly under the melody? (Note: especially check if you created an intro. The chord progression must start on C when the pre-made melody begins).

Drum Beat
·       The bass and snare drums are complimenting each other in a repeated pattern?
·       The bass drum is played on beat one and the snare drum is NOT on beat one?
·       The high-hat, ride cymbal, or shaker are playing a consistent repeated pattern (i.e. eighth notes)
·       The drums have been quantized to 1/8, 1/16 or 1/8 triplets

Mixing, Panning, Automation
·       All tracks have been appropriately panned slightly L or R ?
·       The bass drum and bass line are panned to the centre?
·       The solo buttons are all turned off?
·       There are no muted tracks?
·       All tracks are mixed so that they can be heard (i.e. no barely audible tracks!)
·       The melody can be clearly heard.
·       The majority of tracks are mixed to the “yellow” on the volume meters
·       The master volume has been set to the “yellow” on the volume meter.
·       You have chosen a master effect for the master track?
·       All automation has been done purposefully to create an effect?
·       The metronome has been turned off!

·       All instruments chosen compliment each other
·       You have made musical decisions about the instruments you have chosen (i.e. they are not all still on piano)
·       Your drum kit matches the style of music you are trying to achieve.
·       If necessary, the chords or melody have been transposed +/- 12 to avoid clashing sound and to make it easier to hear the melody.

·       Your song has a minimum of 17 bars (may have more if you added an intro/outro)
·       Your song ends with a C chord and the melody also playing a C.
·       Advanced: Your intro/outro compliments the rest of the song by applying some of the songs musical ideas

·       Advanced: you have made musical decisions about which instrument should enter/exit and at what times (entrances should happen only the second, fourth or eighth bar in a section).