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Grade 10 Songwriter Reminders

As you are handing in your assignment can you please double check that you have done the following so that you do not lose marks for silly errors.

Check that:

  1. EVERYTHING is quantized (aligned)
  2. The metronome is turned off.
  3. The purple end marker is set to 1 bar after your song ends.
  4. You have selected a master track effect.
Please name your assignment FirstnameL Songwriter (i.e. VivianQ Songwriter) and submit it in your section of the ToBeMarked folder.

Grade 11 Slideshow Drafts due this Friday!

By this Friday, November 26, 2010 all Grade 11 MIDI students should do the following:

• in iMovie use the share menu to create a FULL QUALITY of your movie without music.
• rename the file with your name and initials in the title.
• drop the resulting movie into the Grade 11 TO BE MARKED folder in your appropriate section.

You will receive feedback on:
• how well your topic is presented: does your audience know the point?
• your use of text, effects and transitions to compliment your slideshow; is it readable, how is the pacing?
• how you can use the media to present your topic more effectively; how can I take the next step?