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Grade 12 Summative Information

Grade 12 SUMMATIVE 30%(5% for written)

Mashup 10%

(Mashup Proposal Sheet, Mashup .AIF or .WAV file and your Logic file, Mashup Final Reflection)

Try to have your Mashup completed and be starting your Double Slideshows by the beginning of class, Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

Double Slideshow 10%

(Two Movie files labeled TOPIC GOOD/BAD, and Contrasting Slideshow Final Reflection)
Both the Mashup and Slideshows are due with all associated paperwork by FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 3:00pm

Midi Exam 10%

There will TWO teaching/planning periods before the exam days. May 16 and May 18
You will have three full work periods: May 20, May 25 and May 27 (Submission date)

•Choose one of the 3 movies provided (30 secs) and create an appropriate sound score for the film.
•You must use 2 of the 5 SAMPLES provided on a sampler in REASON, and at least one sample used in Reason must be used as a melodic instrument.
•You may use as many sound effects as you wish from the SFX folder.
•You must use "Rewire" ( Reason and Logic play and export together)
•You must use a Mastering setting, Panning and some Automation in your music.  Remember to Master both in REASON and LOGIC.

•Submit  your movie and all associated files, INCLUDING any Samples you mapped in REASON.