Midi Calendar
Grade 11: Dealing with Animation
Step 1: Export Movie to Quicktime
Step 2: Export Music From Logic
Step 6: Change Publishing Settings
Step 7: Setting the audio to stop at the end of the animation:
- In Flash, go to File --> Export.
- Select Quicktime and export to Desktop.
- Open the Quicktime file on your desktop and you will see it open and say "converting".
- Once it has finished converting, go to File --> Save and save the converted version.
- Import this video into Logic to create your music. You may see shadows or glitches in the video, but DON'T worry - this is not the video you will give us.
Step 2: Export Music From Logic
- Once you are finished with your music/SFXs go to Edit --> Select All
- With everything selected go to File --> Bounce --> Project or Section
- Change the file format to "Wave" (leave everything else).
- Click OK.
- Open your flash file and create a new layer titled "Music"
- With the track selected, drag your music onto the STAGE. You will know if this is successful if you see waves in the layer.
- In the Library Pane, locate the audio file and right-click (or control+click) on it.
- Select "Properties".
- Where it says "Compression" change it from Default to RAW.
- Additional settings will pop up. Unclick "covert stereo to mono" and change "sample rate" to 44kHz.
Step 5: Change Audio to "Stream"
- Click on the first frame in your music layer.
- Change from your Library tab to the Properties tab.
- Where it says "SYNC" change it to Stream.
Step 6: Change Publishing Settings
- Go to File --> Publish Settings
- Click on the FLASH tab.
- Where it says "Audio stream" click the set button and select the same settings you did in step 4 (Raw, unclick mono, 44kHz).
- Click OK.
Step 7: Setting the audio to stop at the end of the animation:
- Add a new layer to your Animation - call it "actions"
- In the Actions layer, right-click on the very last frame and select "insert key frame".
- Go to the Window menu and select "Actions"
- type the following: stop();
- Close the action window.
Step 8: EXPORT!
- You are now finally read to export your file! Go to File --> Export.
- This time choose ".SWF" file.
- Open the .SWF file and watch to make sure everything lines up.
Step 9: What to Submit
- In a folder, submit the .fla file, .swf file and logic file.