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Grade 11: Dealing with Animation

Step 1: Export Movie to Quicktime
  1. In Flash, go to File --> Export.
  2. Select Quicktime and export to Desktop.
  3. Open the Quicktime file on your desktop and you will see it open and say "converting".
  4. Once it has finished converting, go to File --> Save and save the converted version.
  5. Import this video into Logic to create your music.  You may see shadows or glitches in the video, but DON'T worry - this is not the video you will give us.

Step 2: Export Music From Logic
  1. Once you are finished with your music/SFXs go to Edit --> Select All
  2. With everything selected go to File --> Bounce --> Project or Section
  3. Change the file format to "Wave" (leave everything else).
  4. Click OK.
Step 3: Import Music into Flash
  1. Open your flash file and create a new layer titled "Music"
  2. With the track selected, drag your music onto the STAGE. You will know if this is successful if you see waves in the layer.
Step 4: Change Audio Settings in Flash to Full Quality
  1. In the Library Pane, locate the audio file and right-click (or control+click) on it.
  2. Select "Properties".
  3. Where it says "Compression" change it from Default to RAW.
  4. Additional settings will pop up.  Unclick "covert stereo to mono" and change "sample rate" to 44kHz.
Step 5: Change Audio to "Stream"
  1. Click on the first frame in your music layer.
  2. Change from your Library tab to the Properties tab.
  3. Where it says "SYNC" change it to Stream.

Step 6: Change Publishing Settings
  1. Go to File --> Publish Settings
  2. Click on the FLASH tab.
  3. Where it says "Audio stream" click the set button and select the same settings you did in step 4 (Raw, unclick mono, 44kHz).
  4. Click OK.

Step 7: Setting the audio to stop at the end of the animation:
  1. Add a new layer to your Animation - call it "actions"
  2. In the Actions layer, right-click on the very last frame and select "insert key frame".
  3. Go to the Window menu and select "Actions"
  4. type the following:   stop();
  5. Close the action window.
Step 8: EXPORT!
  1. You are now finally read to export your file!  Go to File --> Export.
  2. This time choose ".SWF" file. 
  3. Open the .SWF file and watch to make sure everything lines up.
Step 9: What to Submit
  1. In a folder, submit the .fla file, .swf file and logic file.