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Grade 11 Midi – Flash Export Settings for Sound

Watch the How-To Video

Change the Sound Properties of Your Audio File

  1. Go to your project’s library.
  2. Right click on your sound file and select “properties”.
  3. Change the settings to the following:
    • Compression = RAW
    • Preprocessing = unclick “convert stereo to mono"
    • Sample Rate = 44kHz

Change the Publishing Settings of Your Flash File

  1.  Go to File Publish Settings
  2. Select the Flash Tab at the top.
  3. Click the “Set” button next to Audio Steam and set as follows:
    • Compression = RAW
    •  Preprocessing = unclick “convert stereo to mono"
    • Sample Rate = 44kHz
  4. Click the “set” button next to Audio Event and set as follows:
    • Compression = RAW
    • Preprocessing = unclick “convert stereo to mono”
    • Sample Rate = 44kHz